Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!

Our matching outfits on CNY Day 1. :)
Not a lot of places we went to this year. We've only managed to go parents-in-law's (10:20am), DC's uncle's (伯父) (11:15am) and DC's aunt's (姨妈) (1pm) on Day 1; DC's aunt ("Lai"姨) on Day 2 night (8pm) when B got better; B's nanny's (10:45am) and my parent's (12:30pm) on Day 3.
Both kids had fun visiting the relatives from house to house, so much that A didn't want to go back home on the first day of CNY! B learnt that every family would put sweets in trays and she ate quite a lot of them! A was just recovering from his cough and B was having runny nose and slight fever this year. Her fever went up at night on CNY Day 1 and she had difficulty sleeping. Both of us only managed to fall asleep at 5am. As a result, the next day which was CNY Day 2 we could not do any home visiting... It didn't help that I had to work on that day, rotating shifts to monitor our stuff following some unnecessary alerts that came out on the eve of CNY! Yes, CNY Day 2 was quite a damper! So, on CNY Day 3, after DC and A went to work and school respectively, I resolved to take B (whose childcare centre was closed) out to continue our visiting. :)
Some snippets of Day 1:
Besides the fire engine that they have been playing for years, now there was this to entertain them, or rather let us be entertained by them! I was pleasantly surprised that both of them were not afraid when their grandaunt handed them the lion and I must say they did a reasonably good (first-time) job imitating the dance! They must have learnt from the lion dance performance we took them last Sat when our MP came for the pre-CNY celebration at the clubhouse!
Jenny biscuits from Hong Kong!
We had guests on Day 1 :) The boys played cars and the girls played the doughs.
This was what B made:
Snippets on Day 2:
Pictures above: A and B posing with oranges.
Pictures below: A and B at grandaunt's place. The kids couldn't get enough of the seaweed crackers that, like last year, they packed some back home!
Snippets on Day 3:
Look what Ang Pow B got herself at her nanny's! It's now sleeping with her every night! :)
After that, my sis drove us to our parent's for a nice lunch. We had food that were brought back from paternal uncle's place (ngoh hiang, prawn balls) and maternal aunt's place (abacus, vermicelli). Yummy food! B had her ever so tasty porridge cooked with love from my mummy! :)
We went to find Daddy after B's nap, for coffee and cakes and then B had her rides, before we went home for dinner and A! :)
Snippets on Day 4:
B on CNY Day 4. She skipped school, as I had to take her to the doctor's! This was her at one of the shops, after the doctor visit. We also went Toys "R" Us where I got her an Elsa gift. :)
Day 5 was business as usual, how we wish CNY could last the whole 15 days!