Thursday, October 09, 2008

Off to the tree top

We finally made the effort to pay a visit to the HSBC Tree Top at Macritchie Reservoir. We were 3 hours late though. We were supposed to reach the start pint at 8 a.m. ... well, we reached at 11 a.m. By this time, we could see dark clouds rolling in the far sky. Let's hope it doesn't rain.

The carpark was quite easy to find, just off the junction of Sin Ming and Thomson Road. And so here we were, with all our gear.

Start of Trail
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Shortly into the trail ...


About 1/4 into the trail ... saw some dark clouds in the distant sky ... well, let's concentrate on the scenery.
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It's a pain stalking the little creatures, so I turned to flowers.
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Full of rocky paths.

Then I saw this spider. This little bugger is extremely difficult to focus on ... before I knew it, it jumped onto my lens ...

You can see how small this little bugger is. Just a tiny spot on the grass blade in the center.

Finally, only a bit more to the tree-top, about 1 km to be exact.
The short cut is to take the road up instead of the trail down but we only found out on the way back.

Tree-top reached. The rain beckoned ...

We hurried across.

Over the forest, we felt the raindrops.
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We crossed the bridge and the rain was upon us. Both of us huddled under a small umbrella ... romantic ... ? I'm not too sure though, hehe. Stuck across the bridge with a long way back to the ranger station and no shelter in sight ... what luck.

Well, the rain stopped soon enough and it's a long trek back. Tired out but what an experience! What a joy it is to see the block of condominium in the distance.

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