It was a sheer coincidence that the tv (yes, I watched a lot of tv nowadays!) is showing a program called "综艺大哥大-叫我毕加索" which is similar to the game, only that it was in chinese. The program caught my interest and since them, I wanted to get my hands in doodling! However, I find it stupid to have myself create the topic and draw to myself. You need someone to play the guessing game with you!
It was just timely that I know of this app from the fb where some of my friends were addicted to it. A good reason for me to satisfy my drawing craving and I don't need to trouble anyone to play it with me! The game allows you to choose a random player! :)
Here're some samples of my doodles. It's interesting to note that when I just started, I was conservatively using black as my main source of colour and how I advanced to use more colours now. :) Now, I can't wait to get more points so that I could "buy" more palettes of colours!
From Black:
To Colours:
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