B seems to understand a lot things now! :)
She had 3 teeth now, 2 on top and 1 below. She looks so cute when she smile with one tooth below. But, I can't seem to capture a good photo of her little tooth (at bottom, center right)! She loves to bite on things, esp cold teethers.
We started giving her 2-3 meals a day now. She eats porridge with fish and veg.
This month, I spent some time with her as her nanny went on holiday trip to HK/Macau. She's so active! She's smiley too but will get into a fiery rage if you don't go according to what she wanted or if you take away what she was holding! I realised that she bites her fist if she gets angry.
Her separation anxiety seems to rise. She refused anybody to carry her except for me, DC and her nanny. I brought her to DC's office one of the days when the nanny was not around and she wouldn't let anybody else carry her!
She is still not walking yet. She stands and cruises. She did try a few steps but didn't seem to want to attempt again after then.
I started her on frozen ebm and she had no problem with them. She's still on ebm in the day time and powder at night.
It's rainy season now and she was scared of the sounds of loud thunders. She's scared of the drilling sounds too. Just the mention of "Dril drill" or "thunder!", she'll cringe onto you and stay still. I made use of these 2 to coax her to sleep now! :P
Brought her to collect her passport. Look forward to bringing her to her first holiday trip overseas!
We went for her photoshoot at the usual studio and had a nice time there. She was crying during the photo shoot but we managed to pacify her with food and instructions. She even had some shots with her brother A!
She also had her vaccination this month. As usual, she cried out loud. This time, the vaccination didn't affect her. :)
This month, her great grandmother (my maternal grandmother) passed away and we brought her and brother, A to the wake one of the days. It was her first time to a wake.
It would be her birthday soon but mummy is so busy with work that she had to put aside the preparation work! :( Time to pick up from where I left off and get really busy busy!
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