He's sooo full of sounds now and he's such a smiley! :D He has begun to discover his hands and puts everything in his mouth. He is constantly drooling and he loves to suck his fingers and he looks sooo cute when he's doing that sucking action, oh yes you must listen to that sounds he makes!
His hair started dropping since last month and strands of hair can be found on his pillow. We took him for a
hair trim last Sat. He looked so refreshed in his new hairstyle (no longer look like a girl girl) but he definitely don't like his hair to be touched!
His neck is now much firmer and could support his head already. However, he still doesn't like to lie on his tummy and would always fuss up when we try to turn him around!
Baby has been to many many places and we even took him to
fine dinning (Yes, we were crazy enough to do that)! He was very uncooperative that day, crying for his milk, being cranky and pooing in his Burberry bodysuit during the meal! It was quite an experience!
We started taking him
swimming and he enjoyed it very much, so we signed him up for 10 sessions of swimming sessions. He was such a natural in water, just like his daddy! :)
His schedule is quite routine now. He sleeps between 10 and 11pm at night until the next morning. I could manage my time very effectively and finished lots of things including naps while he's sleeping! Now that taking care of him becomes a breeze (I was doing such a good job looking after him!), I'm so reluctant to go back to work! But sigh, it is still not time to quit working... in fact, I've already gone back to work last week and had handed over Baby to my in-laws to take care during the day. So far so good...
Next month, will he be able to roll over and crawl? I can't wait to know!
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