Thursday, September 03, 2009

Establishing sleep routine

Sleep deprivation is the worst thing that could happen to a sleep lover like me. Baby was not helping by having random sleep patterns and being cranky and clingy.

Fri: Baby stayed awake from 230pm to 9pm. That's a whole 7 hrs, too long a period for a newborn! Then, he woke up for milk at 1am, 4am and 830am and that's Sat already.
Sun: He slept at 4am and woke up at 530am for milk and he finally slept through till 930am.
Mon: He refused to sleep at night and I stayed up from 2am trying to get him to sleep! Finally managed to get him to sleep at 5am but he slept very lightly and woke up at 7am the next morning!
Tue: He slept from 11pm to 5pm (surprisingly) but stayed awake for 2 whole hours before he slept again at 730am. We kept him awake for the photo re-shoot so that he can be tired and asleep during the shooting. He should be very tired but he didn't sleep much at night. He slept at 12 plus and was awake from 4am till 6am.

Maybe because we have disrupted his sleep yesterday, he was not sleeping today!

On good days, he will sleep 4 hours at night and on bad, he will stay awake the whole night. I'm totally exhausted, everyday sleeping 2-3 hours at night and napping 0.5-1 hour only!

We suspected that baby is not sleeping well because of the 'wind' in the stomach and applied oil on him to rid the wind. Hopefully, he (me too) would have a better rest tonight!

I think we need to establish a bedtime routine fast before the current become a habit. We've heard quite a bit on training the baby to sleep at night and the "cry-it-out' method. Maybe we'll give this a try also?

[14 Sep 2009: We've tried the cry-it-out method, but I chickened out, just couldn't bear hearing the baby cry. :P

Despite all the trying, baby worked out a routine for himself! He now sleeps mostly in the day, stays awake in the afternoon and evening and sleeps through the night waking up at 7am! Although not ideal, at least now I don't even have to wake up at 4 or 5am to feed him. 没天没夜的日子过去了!:)

The trick? Just a larger feed before bed, that's all!


Related Tweets:
31 Aug 2009, 9:41pm, CP: Tired! Baby kept me awake till 5am... and he was up at 7am!

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