Well, I'm into my 17th weeks of pregnancy and I will be going for checkup in a while. If I'm lucky, I will know the sex of the baby today. Hopefully, my baby will not be facing the wrong way or have its legs crossed so that the genital area cannot be seen... :)
I've polled many people what they think the sex of my baby would be and had many people asked which sex does DC and I prefer.
DC prefers a girl because he thinks there are too many baby boys in his family and having a princess would be nice. I, on the other hand, prefer a boy because this would take the pressure of bearing a bloodline off me instantly... Having said that, we wouldn't mind at all if it turned out to be the other way. :)
The answers I've got were not consistent, some (mostly family and close friends) think it's a girl and others (colleagues and relatives) guess it's a boy but the majority thinks it's a girl.
I've known of some traditional ways to tell the sex of the baby:1.
Shape of your bump - if you belly is pointed (usually also mean people can still see a waist from behind) you are carrying a boy. if your belly is rounded and your waist is thick you are carrying a girl.
Craving for meat or vegetables? Salty or Sweet food? - Meat and salty food means it's a boy, vegetable and sweets means it's a girl
Whether you are looking good or not during pregnancy - Radiance = Boy, Breakouts = Girl
Chinese Gender chart that tells the sex from your age and the month of conception
Measuring baby's heart rate in the womb - girls are meant to have higher heart rates than boys
Ultrasound scanning - from 18 weeks onwards.
Amniocentesis - Done around 18-20 weeks. It involves taking a sample from the amniotic fluid and analysing your baby's cells, which are present in the fluid, usually done when there's risk of serious genetic condition in the baby.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - Normally done around 10-12 weeks, when there is likely to be a serious gender-related problem.
Found this
quiz online. It says that I have a 47% chance of having a boy and 52% chance of having a girl. Pretty much the same as my poll results... :)
Hmm, am I expecting a
boy or a
girl? Will I want to know it during the scan today if I could? Yes!
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