In the past month, he was exposed to many new things: new wide-necked bottle, new bottle silicon teats, new milk powder, new solid food, new liquid, new bouncer and many more first time experiences... ;)
He celebrated CNY and grabbed ang pows for the first time too. It was very tiring for Mummy and Daddy to bring him out for long hours, so, we restricted ourselves to short trips only. At relatives' house, we were temporarily relieved of our duties as the relatives offered to carry him! He was such a darling and always smiling on those 2 days that he won himself lots of praises... :P
He can flip on both directions already although he mostly flip on his right side. He is so agile that every time I put him on his bed and checked on him a short while later, I see him at the other end of the bed in a different orientation. He had flipped his way there! :P However, no signs of sitting or crawling yet.
As he continue to discover his hands, he is getting more touchy too. He loves to pull anything that comes his way. My fallen hairs on his palms are solid proof of his itchy hands! :P He has also become more clingy esp when he sees us walking away and he shows his preference readily, e.g. many times when I bathed him and wanted to sit him to scrub his back, he insisted on lying on his back and of course, his milk drinking...
Talking about his milk, I'm always very amazed at how his little mind works. Ever since he was on his milk strike, he has devised different ways to reject milk! From crying to shouting, from kicking his legs to wriggling away and from using his tongue to push away the teat to spitting out his milk from the edge of his mouth... from pretending to drink, his newest trick now is this: When the bottle teat is in his view, he would shut his mouth tight refusing to drink. When I managed to find a way to drill the teat into his gap, he would quickly open his mouth wide and keep it open until the teat is taken out of his mouth! I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this!
We are now struggling to keep up with his feeding schedules. It's getting increasingly difficult to feed him on time and maintain the amount of milk he has to drink especially now when we have introduced solid to him. I heard babies who started solid will slowly wean themselves from milk onto solid and are able to withstand longer hours of feeds! This is not what we want. We want him to gain a healthy weight by pumping him with his new FM. The bad thing is he seems to dislike his new FM. He definitely prefers BM more... Even then, the frozen milk bags are filling up the freezer fast but not utilized fast enough! I fear the day I had to discard the expired milk bags!
Sleep in the day is becoming better. The bouncer really works wonder in helping Baby get his day time sleep. Although night time he still sleeps as much, it is more exhaustive to coax him at night. He would spend at least half hour to play and kick and flip before he is willing to sleep. And oh, he has changed his sleeping position, no longer on his back with both hands up... he now prefers to sleep on his side! I see with interest how he likes to do things that he used to hate e.g. sleep on his side, lay on his tummy and how he hates to do things that he used to like e.g. being carried face up. Now, he only likes to be carried upright where he could squirreled left and right. Ah, I feel I need lots of energy boost to keep up with this little active fellow!!
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