A has grown up! Over this past 6 months, DC has been taking care of A while I take care of B. I seemed to have missed out on a lot of A's growing up details! All of a sudden, he seems so grown up, like a little independent boy with a mind of his own!
He is very into cars now. He can spend all his time picking out his favorite cars amongst all his cars (yes, he has his preference and I just found out today!), pretending to park his cars, lining all his cars parallel together in a neat slanted way (I'm impressed!), and of course, washing and cleaning up his car with water...
Lately, I even spotted him reversing, gauging the distance behind him and then, stopped just before he hit the wall behind him! He's pretending to drive a car and reverse into his imagined parking lot! :) I love it when he did this, he'll go "Dee dee dee dee..." (that's the sound of the car reverse alarm).
Since last week, A has been requesting DC to take his shower in our room toilet. Gone were the bath tubs, bath toys and pails, we shower him using a shower head now! I'm proud of him!
Another thing we're proud of is that he is now eating what we adults are eating, no longer do we need to cook the same old plain porridge. He could even chew meat and veggies easily now, I wonder why we wait so long? We sampled a few times the free mushrooms cooked in the supermarket and bought him some as ingredients for his dinner. He likes the new food! In fact, this little boy loves to eat. I love the expression on him when he's loving the food in his mouth! He will smile widely at the mention of the food he likes, run over for it and with the food in his mouth, raise his thumb to signal "good"! Of course, if it's something he didn't want, he will also do the opposite, i.e. shake his head and cried "no". That's when a little coercing is required for him to finish his meal. He's also finishing all his milk (morning and noon feed), something which we're extremely happy about!
DC's parents went Sabah for holiday for almost a week. For that week, we brought A to school ourselves. On the first day, A didn't want to let me go and he really cried out loud. But, on the second day, he very sensibly said bye to us which quite surprised me! He knew what was going on! I love it when he ran to us happily when we picked him up from school on those days. :)
Our maid, whom he was quite ok with, went back to her country. I was quite worried that he would ask for her (like he asked for me when I was in the hospital after I delivered B), fortunately, that didn't happen. However, he didn't quite like the new maid. Maybe the rapport is not there yet. He refused to let her feed him and ditate the grandma to feed him!
My boy is also more sociable now, he calls "auntie" whenever he sees one! He even attempt to tell them what to do sometimes! :) He smiles at waitresses and waiters and could ask for his bowl and cutlery from them. He's also always eager to help DC pay bill by handing the credit card to the cashier!
He knows and behaves like a big brother in front of his little sister. Whenever he sees his sister bite her finger, he'll "tell her off" quite sternly. There was once in the car I saw him beat his sister on her hand. When I asked why he did that and was about to tell him off, he tried explaining to me that it was because his meimei bit her fingers! I was pleasantly surprised by his response! I realized that he must have seen me telling his sister not to bite her fingers, and he's now helping me watch over his baby sister! :) Whenever his sister cries, he would also raise his voice and said "MeiMei MeiMei MeiMei!". That's funny cos his sister would usually startled at his words! A knows not to throw his driving set at his baby sister even when he's eager to get off his car. He knows to wait for his sister to get down the car before he can place his stuff on her car seat. I love them to see them together! You never know what you'll discover from them! :) There was also this once that B was smacking her lips loudly. I told A to go kiss her on her cheek. A hesitated and looked at me. I asked him why. He then do the smelly hand sign (wave hand around the nose). Ha, he thought his meimei had passed motion and is smelly. He didn't want to kiss her! Haha...
DC started bringing us out for brunches together with the grandparents this month. So far, we've explored the eateries at the
Hort Park,
Botanic Gardens and the
Changi City Point. A loves the park, garden and the mall but not so much for the water play in the mall. Haiz, we still couldn't get him to like water! The same thing happened when he was at the school outing to the zoo that I went along. He couldn't appreciate the water play there (which I felt was fantastic!).
The school organized the
2nd children performance. This time, he did not seem as surprised as the last time.
We also brought him to my cousin's house warming and the Gazillion Bubble Show at the MBS Theatre with his cousins. We bought some bubbles solution and equipment back, hoping to play with him soon. After the show, we went LV and A happily roamed round the place uncontrollably. Yes, he was very happy that day!
It has been an exciting June Holiday for him!
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