Baby is 16 months old. :) It's time again for an update!
His motor skills certainly improved by leaps and bounds. He's more mobile now and would crawl into the rooms and everywhere he likes, but luckily he seldom moves far away from sight.
I hope his diet would improve too... He only likes his puffs, my mum's (his grandma's) cooking and our food on the dining table. It's becoming a challenge to feed him at his high chair. He is now into feeding himself and would shut his mouth unless his spoon or food he desires is approaching his mouth! On the other hand, we were consoled when we managed to get him to drink more milk (by giving bigger teats and adding Horlicks to his milk) since last week.
He's also
very into biting nowadays. Maybe he's still teething, that's why... You may be surprised but his bites hurt (ouch!). My mum told me he wouldn't bite just anyone... it seems like it's only me that he bites, the 'lucky' one :(
Baby also had his first car accident on the road. We were involved in a chain
collision, thank god, he was unharmed!
We started bringing him out at night now that his sleep time has extended till past 10pm. He attended two night parties (
his uncle's wedding and his
mummy's DnD) and celebrated 4 birthdays (his paternal
grandpa, his maternal
grandma, his
daddy and his little buddy
Joven's) and there are more night events coming up in the next month! :)
We also brought him to another staycation (his fourth this year) at
Fairmont. There, we got him to swim. He didn't really like it though.
We brought him to more play trials and was happy that he was enjoying himself! We love seeing him move to the beat and clapping his hands! New tricks: twisting and turning, pressing buttons, stacking and feeding himself with spoon! :) He could also point to things when asked where the item is e.g. flower, leaf, bird, cat, etc. We also saw that he was getting very familiar with his toys, so we got him more toys to play and that includes an outdoor slide. :)
This month, DC and I did our online
spree and crazily got Baby 15 apparels! He is sure a lucky Baby to have both DC and me pampering him like that! :)
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