Friday, August 27, 2010

My 13 month old Baby

Here's my boy at his 13 month:

My boy has transformed into a playful and cheeky boy! He's ever more inquisitive about the things around him and is expressive about what he wants and where he wants to go by pointing his finger and making sounds alike "there". He is also responsive when we asked him questions that begin with "Where is..." and "What do you want to ..." He demonstrates that he understands what we say as he would very often point to the correct object in the house (e.g. comb, his toy cow, gym ball, etc) or parts of his body (nose, ear, mouth, etc). :) However, he becomes very stingy with his "Hi"s and "Bye"s since his birthday, he entertains us only when he wishes to now...probably waved so much on his birthday party that he decides not to do it again?

We finally see his first tooth early this month and the neighboring tooth is emerging! I was so excited about his first tooth but not what came after...

Shortly after his 12 month vaccination, he caught a cold virus (not sure where from) and spread it to me. Both of us had a hard time recovering from it (still not recovered yet)! He was extremely cranky at night with his runny/blocked nose and his swollen gum and he refused to be put down in his cot. During the nights that he was sick, I had to rock him until he is sound asleep before I can put him on his cot.

Now that he is getting better, we realised that it has become more difficult to make him sleep at night. It takes more effort for us to coax him! We suspect that the medication is a stimulant to him (rather than making him drowsy!). Let this not be a habit! Fortunately, he is still sleeping through the night. :)

Falling sick and teething not only affects his sleep pattern (sleeping late, he prefers to be carried in an upright position rather than face down on our shoulders now) but also affect his eating habits. His appetite became smaller and lost interest in food (distracted easily, only wants to play!). But, surprisingly, he become more receptive to milk. My in-laws are able to feed him double than what they could feed him ever before!? He is still on BM but I've reduced the frequency of milk expression (from twice a day to now once a day and soon to none).

He's sitting very stably (doesn't fall backwards like he used to do), still no motivation for crawling but lots of motivation for standing up and moving about! He loves to sit in the stroller now and I heard he so enjoys sitting in his stroller that he sings to himself.

Since his birthday party on 18 Jul 2010, we tried to enrich his life every weekend. He's been out at sea, to the Istana, his first concert, his cousin's baby shower and made his first craft in celebration of his country's birthday. ;D I'm putting zoo to the last option cos I hate to feed the mosquitoes there...

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