Maybe because DC's right foot is giving him problems again (although it's a different problem this time) and I'm always feeling very sick... these kinda put damper on our plans to celebrate the festive season.
So, we spent this year with no x'mas tree set up in our home, no festive pictures of shopping malls x'mas decorations, no party organised at our home, limited gathering with friends and limited gift exchanges...
Although that said, we did however participated in the following celebrations:
1) DC attended his new company x'mas dinner on 13 Dec 08.

That's DC's boss giving out presents... I'm sure all the kids loved him that night! :)
2) CP attended her company x'mas lunch on 17 Dec 08.

Food was very quickly grabbed. Mistaken as beef, I took 2 pieces of mutton and had a hard time swallowing down... mutton is really not my type of meat!
3) CP got her first x'mas gift on 19 Dec 08.

This was no whiskey. Sender's names are written on the tag: "JackDanielle" - Jack & Danielle (Innovative!)
On the same day, CP helped out in the gingerbread house decoration contest and our team got 3rd prize for that! (Only 3 teams participated, LOL)
The Exterior:

The Interior:

4) CP attended the cross-divisional x'mas party on 22 Dec 08. This is what she got for the gift exchange:

5) DC and CP had x'mas eve lunch at Hard Rock Cafe and exchanged gifts.

On X'mas eve, CP also:
- received another gift from a colleague (no time to return, next year perhaps)
- gave Jack and Danielle each a box of Royce chocolates as gifts.
6) DC and CP attended x'mas party organised by cousin at cousin's wife's culinary studio on x'mas eve. DC can't forget the fragrant rice...

7) DC and CP had x'mas cum birthday buffet lunch at Vienna Restaurant (United Sq) with CP's family on 25 Dec 08. Only Ah Boy got his presents this year.

That's all for this year's christmas for us! It seems that we did have some fun afterall... Wish you had fun this festive season too.
Related Posts:
X'mas Celebrations 2007
X'mas Celebrations 2006