The first 4 days were spent at the hospital. I only see her every 3 hourly and she seldom opens her eyes. She was always sleeping, hehe...
She could latch on very well, much to our delight! The lactation consultant gave her a perfect score (10/10) for that! :)
However, since she was born small (2.49kg) and milk has yet to come in then, I requested the nurses at the nursery to supplement her with formula milk after every feed. By the time of discharge, she was around 2.3kg (I was told that it was normal that babies lose weight).
For the next 3 days at home, we alternate between bm, ebm and fm to feed her. She visited the pediatrician yesterday and she exceeded her birth weight. Now 2.52kg! :)
She was a little jaundiced but there was no cause for concern and she needn't be hospitalized or photo-lighted. :) We also noticed there are some peeling of the skin especially on the wrists, hands, ankles, feet, stomach and forehead area. The confinement lady says this is normal for babies (and all along I thought that time A peeled because the amniotic fluid was low and that made him very dry!!)
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