Saturday, November 21, 2015

A on a Hunt

I took A to library this evening (B was having her lesson and DC was doing his grocery shopping).

While I was searching for books to borrow, A came to me and asked me to help him find "15".

"15? What 15?"
"Shelf 15!"
"Oh book shelf No. 15!"
"Yes! Help me find!"

He couldn't find the library book shelf number "15" and pleaded me to look for it with him.

And so, A and I went on a hunt for the number "15" in the library.

Strangely, even I could not find it... There were 1, 2, 3...14 and there were 16, 17, ...22 but there was no 15!

After a few rounds of walking, we sought the librarian's help to locate the "missing" shelf.

"Ask and you shall be granted" That's what I told him, hehe...

Alas! The librarian couldn't find it too! But, she had her means...she went to the lift lobby, checked the directory and managed to lead us to the mystery shelf. :)

"找到了!" A exclaimed excitedly.

That ended our mini hunting game at the library... So it was a magazine rack!

Here's A and his 15:)

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