Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rare Sight on Bus

Today's bus was crowded and slow. It's not the usual long bus and the roads were exceptionally congested. I managed to get the first seat just behind the bus driver. An elderly Indian lady was sitting beside me on my left and her grandson was standing on my right. The grandson stepped on my feet several times and I was quite annoyed even though I know they were not intentional. Then, he spoke to his grandma in Tamil. I couldn't understand but seeing the lady shift aside, making space between us and motioning him to sit down with her, I assumed he told her that his legs were tired. "Lazy boy", I thought to myself.

He further put me off when he scrambled to sit on the step below our seats. The ladies opposite him all felt very awkward, I could see the look from their faces. Worst of all, he rested his head on the seat between his grandma and me! "What's the problem with him? Don't he know his manners at all?" I started to complain to myself when suddenly I felt his body sliding towards me. Then, his grandma gave a shout in Tamil. I soon realised that he had passed out.

His mother rushed forward from the back of the bus and tried to slap him to his senses. I gave up my seat for him, a lady in front lugged him up to the seat, someone passed a bottle of water from the back for him to drink and the bus driver offered mediated oil. The uncle sitting beside the grandma helped to massage him on his hands and neck. The boy gained his consciousness soon after.

I received a "Thanks" from his mother for giving up my seat. I'm guilty for all the nasty thoughts...If not for the language barrier, I would have known that he is not feeling well and offered him my seat. Now, Who says Singaporeans are not helpful? I say the ones on this bus are the most helpful lot that I've seen! :)

This is truly a strange but interesting bus ride on a morning that I was very late for work!

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