Saturday, July 30, 2011

The BRAT formula for Diarrhoea

It seems that one after another, colleagues in my department are getting diarrhea! First, it was YW, then PC, JX and now me (and DC)!

We couldn't figure out what causes the food poisoning (packed lunch? popcorn? home-cooked dinner?). The contractions started at night, I was quite worried at first. Then, during the night, every few hourly, I had to wake up to visit the bathroom. Late in the night, DC too started to do the same. We knew that it must be something that we ate wrong!

This continued into the next day. DC took medicine and it stopped for him. I didn't take any medicine and I'm still having the runs now!!

Anyways, I thought it might be useful to share this that I found online. The BRAT diet.

B - Banana
R - Rice
A - Applesause
T - Toast

In addition, also try the following:
- Starchy foods like potatoes, unsweetened cereals, and crackers
- Vegetables, such as cooked carrots, and non-milk-based soups with noodles, rice, and/or vegetables
- Lean meats
- Yogurt, especially with live, active cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus

Do not consume any dried fruits (e.g. prunes), fatty or spicy foods and milk.

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