Ha! I'm finally recovering from the one-month-long flu!
This is such a terrible ordeal! After seeing 4 doctors over the past month and taking many advices from friends, families and doctors, I've learnt quite a bit from this experience. I feel that I've done a lot to combat the sickness and thought it'll be good to share some of the ways to fight off the flu.
- Drink plenty of hot (but not scalding) water. They'll soothe your throat, relieve nasal congestion, and replace bodily fluids lost through perspiration caused by fever.
- Gargle with tepid, strong tea or warm salt water.
- Suck on lozenges or hard candies to lubricate your throat.
- Avoid drinking milk or eating cheese and other dairy products for a couple of days-they can thicken mucus secretions, making them difficult to expel.
- Avoid eating chicken and red meat. They form mucus and can worsen clogged sinuses.
- Take one or more of the expectorant herbs — lobelia, licorice, wild cherry bark, horehound or guaifenesin — for a cough or bronchitis.
- Buzz away sore throats and cough by taking bee pollen or propolis. Caution: Not recommended if you're allergic to bee stings.
- Sip hot ginger tea. Ginger stimulates circulation and helps clear sinuses and lungs of mucus.
- Take chinese throat tablets or loquat syrup (川贝枇杷露) for soothing the throat.
- Get plenty of rest.
Web References:
Seven Ways to Fight Off the Flu
50 Ways to Fight Colds and Flu
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