Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Preparing for A's 3rd birthday: The Venue

A's birthday is only 1+ month away and we only managed to find a suitable venue today! Well, at least the venue is secured now and we can move on. We actually spent quite a bit of time sourcing for a place to hold the celebration. Here are a few places we consider:

1. Community Club
This was our first choice. We checked out the nearest one to our place and the multi purpose hall was booked for the whole month for their in-house programmes. And I called about 2-3 months ahead! So, no choice, we checked out the next preferred venue.

2. Parks
Our 2nd choice was a multi purpose hall at one of the new parks. DC was told that there was no more slot on the weekend we wanted. The Park suggested that I check out another 2 parks that offer function halls.

I called one of them (a Garden) to find that buffet line is not allowed in the room. They could only offer to place the buffet line outside of the hall, in the roof top (hot!).

However, it was nice that they counter-proposed another outdoor site in the children's garden which they could have it covered and sheltered. DC didn't like an outdoor party, so that option was out.

Then, I went to call the earlier park again to check if there are any other dates available. The park provided me with a alternate date. I made a tentative booking with them and was sad to find out that they restricted the use of the hall and was quite inflexible! They rejected our proposed activity for the kids and I had to make 3-4 calls and negotiated with them to get the booking through! When they finally did accept our proposal, DC and I were delighted to the max! Finally, the venue was fixed!

3. Hotels
While waiting for the park's reply, I went on to search for other possible venues... I know of at least two hotels that has packages for kids' parties. I called up the "M" hotel but looking at the menu, we were disappointed that most of the food were western. The reason why we stroked this off was because there was a church event going on in the next room and it would be crowded and noisy.

I called up "T" hotel, the one A had his birthday celebration last year. They sent the proposal quite fast but we hesitated about having it at the same place again. Furthermore, the price went up.

4. Convention Halls
I called up to check up on two of our convention halls but one is having renovation and the other one has a church event on that day! So, they were both out.

5. Pit Building
Yes, I was crazy enough to consider this! However, they were also fully booked by the NDP folks.

6. Condo Function Room
This would be good if I'm staying in a condo myself!

7. Home
Both A and B's full months celebrations and A's first birthday was held at home. We wanted something new. Of course, this would be our backup plan if we fail to get a venue.

8. The Company
I called up my company's building management to check. They do not have meeting rooms, only auditoriums. What?

9. Country Club
This one is in the outdoors but air-conditioned. DC is tempted to check out the site but I don't feel comfortable with having a celebration next to a swimming pool for safety reasons.

10. Indoor Playground
We thought of one nearby but from many pictures, the background design of the wall seems to be of care bears. I didn't think this was suitable for A.

Now that the venue is fixed (Hooray!), we can jump into the next thing to do! Time is running fast!

Related Posts:
A's 2nd Birthday Party Preparation Update
Planning for A's 2nd Birthday
Planning for the 2nd

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