I guess it makes sense now to check out what the Singapore government has in store for me and my baby! :)
Following 17 Aug 2008, the government has implemented the following package for parents...
Medisave Maternity PackageThe Medisave Maternity Package enables you to use your Medisave, for the delivery (up to a max of $2250 for normal vaginal delivery or up to a max of $3650 for normal caesarian delivery) and pre-delivery (up to a maximum of $450) medical expenses of your first four children. For fifth and subsequent children, there must be at least $15K of combined Medisave balance at the time of delivery.
To claim pre-delivery charges from Medisave, you need just to present the bills incurred for your pre-delivery medical care to the hospital where you will be having your baby. The hospital will submit these bills, together with the delivery expenses, for Medisave claims under the Medisave Maternity Package.
Post Delivery:
Baby BonusThe Baby Bonus comprises a cash gift and a co-savings component.
For first & second child, a cash gift of $4,000 will be given out in 4 equal installments over 18 months (i.e. 3 weeks after you join the scheme, when your child is 6 months, 12 months and 18 months old) . The Government will match dollar-for-dollar the amount of savings you contribute to your child Children Development Account (CDA) up to the specified ceiling ($6,000 each for the first and second child, $12,000 each for the third or fourth child and $18,000 each for the fifth and subsequent child).
Infant Care and Childcare SubsidyInfant care and childcare subsidy of up to$600 and $300 respectively per month to help parents offset the cost of centre-based care.
Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) LevyA FDW levy of $170 (concession) instead of $265 is payable every month.
Maternity LeaveMother can enjoy 16 weeks of paid maternity leave
Back to work:
New Infant Care Leave6 days of unpaid infant care leave for working parent with any Singaporean child under the age of two, regardless of the number of qualifying children.
Childcare Leave6 days per year for working parents with any Singaporean child under the age of seven, regardless the number of qualifying children.
Tax Benefits:
Qualifying Child Relief (QCR)Parents can claim $4,000 per child. You and your spouse can share the QCR/HCR in any proportion.
Working Mother's Child Relief (WMCR)Working mothers can enjoy 15% of their earned income for first child, 20% for 2nd child, 25% for each subsequent child (up to 100%).
The total amount of relief claimable for both QCR and WMCR is capped at $50,000 per child.
Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR)Parents can claim PTR for their child ($5,000 for 1st child, $10,000 for 2nd child, $20,000 for each subsequent child). PTR can be used to offset your income tax payable and may be shared with your spouse, based on the apportionment agreed by both parties. Any unutilised rebate will be carried forwarded to subsequent years until it is fully utilised.
For more details on the above, click
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