Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A is 3 years and 6 months old

How fast, it's another new year! This year  2013, A will be in N2 and I'm happy to hear his teacher in charge said that he's well behaved in class and during his recent excursion to the Science Centre. :)

He was more willing to learn at home too. Yesterday, DC told me A wanted him to read book to him. This was something he has never requested in the past! :)

He loves eating french fries and this month, DC and I have been bringing him quite regularly to "M". He loves going to "M" and likes the letter "M" (definitely the letter of the month!) and kept wanting me to write the letter "M" everywhere on the black board! My sis, his yiyi gave him 6 McDonald miniatures and he loves the french fries, apple pie and coffee. B loves the burgers so just nice, they get to play with what they like. :)

We also tried to bring him to the park (where his "M" is) regularly. It was after all just behind our block, and a stone's throw away. He loves to walk on the stone path at the side of the pavement.

He was so familiar with his iPad that he knew where exactly to tap his way to play his favorite videos! This month, he did not only play his videos, he asked for my iPhone and played the same video on my iPhone as the one that was playing on his iPad! However, when he didn't see the same video on my iPhone (have not sync), he would insist on having that song on it! It's quite a headache but on the other hand, it's quite a joy to see what he ideas he came up with every month and how he varied his play using the same - iPad!

Another thing he did that make me smile is that he puts his iPad into a bag that look like a mini laptop bag (we called it the iPad bag) and then, he told us he is going "work work" with it! Then he swings his bag just like what DC and I were doing when we carried our laptop bags! :)

A still bullies his sister and is still fierce to her, esp when she makes noise. He holds his "cane" (which is a drumstick) and will shout "stop" or "aunty place" (go baby sitter's place) when he feels she is naughty. He also likes to push her toddling sister and always giggled out loud when she fell! However, at times, he could be very sweet to her. e.g. he holds her water bottle and fed her water, he hugs her and kisses her and feeds her biscuits or cheese. :)

A can be very cheeky... when his daddy went to buy lunch and left us in the car, he (more than once) asks me to sit in front, beside him and drive home without his daddy! When I asked him how is daddy going to go home? He said daddy can take taxi home! Haha...

A loves to snack and would never fail to ask for more "m&m", "gummy" or "chip chips". He is also more willing to take in more chunky food like chicken meat and he loves to eat veggies! And, he takes the stem of the veggies, just like me! :)

He celebrates his grandma's birthday this month and went to the Science Centre for the first time with school. I brought him and B out on new year's day (with help from my sisters) for tea and snacks. It was quite an experience! I think A enjoys them all!

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