There are a lot of old wives tales out there about the gender of the baby and the pregnancy dos and don'ts. Having been through the most recent pregnancy, I realised that in fact, a lot of these are just superstitions. They are untrue and baseless and didn't apply to me at all in this pregnancy. Here are some of them that just didn't work on me:
1. The shape of the baby bump. Everyone told me that my bump was not pointed and I should be carrying a girl. Nope, this was wrong (for my case)!
2. Cravings. I do not crave or repel any food during my pregnancy but I do eat a lot of vegetables (more than meat) when I am expecting A. To those who said that preferring veg to meat means you are carrying a girl, this didn't work on me loh.
3. Radiance on face. Do I have the radiance? Some said I look tired, some said I look radiant. I guess, this is not true at all. There are times I look radiant on one day and dull on another. I can't possibly be carrying a girl when I'm losing my radiance due to tiredness or stress in work and a boy when I look radiant or when I'm refreshed from some rest or weekend break?!
4. Chinese Gender chart. I went to match my age and month of conception on the chart only to find that the gender is incorrect. I always find it amazing for people who believe in this. Can the gender really be pre-determined? Again, my case was not.
5. If your nose widens and gets bigger, you are carrying a boy. My nose remains the same during my pregnancy although my face did get rounder. :P
6. Ever heard of this: "Never raise your hands above your head, you'll strangle the baby with the cord."? A colleague once told me this but when I had to line and hang my clothes up to dry, I have no choice but to raise the hands! Fortunately, nothing happened.
7. No hammering and moving in the house. There was once when I was on MC at home resting and heard the neighbour upstairs hammering. The sound went on for quite a while. Chinese believe that hammering will cause miscarriage or imprint a birth mark on the baby. I was pretty upset and worried over this but baby turned out to be fine. No marks at all.
8. You don't look at anybody ugly. Don't sweep any floors and don't get upset about anything because you'll mark your child and the baby will be ugly. During my pregnancy, I did try to look at pretty things, esp cute baby pictures. However, I swept and get upset rather easily and my baby didn't turn out ugly at all! :)
9. Swollen feet. I've heard this many times (Even from a stranger that I've met on a bus) that if your feet is swollen, then you better get prepared for delivery. The problem is that my feet started to swell when I was in my 2nd trimester! Some also claimed that when the swelling subside and came back for a 3rd time, it's time for delivery. This is not true for me as well as my feet has never subsided much...
10. Open all cabinets and drawers in the room before you go for delivery. This was supposed to make the delivery smooth and fast. I didn't do that and I had a pretty fast delivery cos it's c-sect! :P
11. Bird's nest. Supposed to give the baby a translucent complexion. The confinement lady commented that my baby's complexion is not so translucent. She thought that I had not consumed a lot of bird's nest which in fact, I had been taking it faithfully daily! :( Wasted!
12. Coconut. Supposed to clean off the whitish substance from the baby. I didn't have much chance to take it but the baby didn't have a lot of whitish substance when he was born.
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